Radio Ministries: A Division of Global Outreach Mission

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Radio is a vital part of the ministry’s evangelistic outreach. We presently have four major radio evangelistic broadcasts.


Canada’s National Bible Hour, was first broadcast in September 1925, by the late William Aberhart,  Bible prophecy teacher, and Premier of Alberta, Canada. His successor, the Honorable Ernest C. Manning, served as Director of CNBH and was the main Bible teacher for the next 33 years.  The broadcast continues today as a 30 minute program each Sunday morning and is heard coast to coast in Canada, and northern U.S.A. Global Outreach Mission has underwritten this ministry since January 1990. Canada’s National Bible Hour is the oldest North American Gospel broadcast, hosted by Dr. Brian Albrecht, the current President of Global Outreach Mission.


La Voix de l’Evangile – FRANCE (The Voice of the Gospel) broadcast began in 1955 in the Back to the Bible Broadcast studios in Lincoln, Nebraska through a staff member who spoke French fluently and had a burden for the French-speaking people of the world. Since 1980 it became the responsibility of Global Outreach Mission.   An office was soon established in Aix-en-Provence, France. This evangelistic broadcast is  a 15-minute message from God’s Word and is now heard over the French-speaking world  including  Europe, North Africa, and the Caribbean. This broadcast been used of the Lord to win many to the Savior and many have been discipled through correspondence courses.


La Voix de l’Evangile – QUEBEC (The Voice of the Gospel) is presently broadcasting God’s Word on twelve (12) stations across Quebec. The studio is located in Chateauguay, Quebec; and over the last 28 years, the 15-minute broadcast has been sharing the Good News of the Gospel.


AHOBAN began in1975 as an evangelistic radio ministry. A “15- minute radio broadcast” reaches out to an audience of 150 million Bengali-speaking people in India, Bangladesh and West Bengal.  This broadcast follows the international news broadcast and has been very effective in winning people to the Lord. Many have received Christ and churches have been planted by converts of the ministry.


All these broadcasts continue today as active ministries under Global Outreach Mission Inc.  The Lord has been faithful. The Word of God is proclaimed and lives have been changed. May His name be praised!
